Housing terminology
In a posting below I had the table about the change in housing types during the last 30 years, taken from Census statistics. Source: 2000 Census (인구주택 총조사) I was going to include descriptions of the statistical categories used in the table; this is useful for me as well. The colloquial terms are not identical (not surprisingly) with statistical terms, but there is resemblance - and distinctions based on the form of housing are important, as we all know. • 다가구주택 (Multiple dwellings) A dwelling which has been constructed in order to house several families. Each housing unit has its own entrance, living space, kitchen and bathroom facilities, but the housing units cannot be owned, or bought and sold separately. • 다세대주택 (Apartment unit in a private house) A dwelling under 200 p'yông (660 sqm) which was built to house several households, and in which the housing units are separately owned, bought, and sold. (Until now, I've thought that the tasedae is the "generation" (世代) word, but taking a look at the dictionary I learn that it's 世帶, "household". Oppia ikä kaikki.) • 단독주택 (Detached dwelling). In principle, a dwelling which has been constructed to house one family (kagu). "Multiple dwellings" (tagagu chut'aek) is also included. • 연립주택 (Semi-detached dwelling; this is my own wording, since there was no English given in the original document.) A dwelling of 4 or less stories, which has been defined as a yôllip chut'aek in the building permit. (Now is this a circular definition or what?) Two-four-story "villas" and "mansions" are also included. Here's a long list of statistical terms at Statistical Office homepage, if someone would insist on seeing it. Categories at del.icio.us/hunjang: housing ∙ Koreanlanguage |